Welcome to Mutatio
We’re in the business of change.
Our work harnesses the potential for transformation by bringing the best tools and processes into play with those closest to the problems you’re trying to solve. Through the interchange of ideas, diverse perspectives, and innovative thinking, we reshape and reorient problem spaces into opportunities for change.
Our work starts with people.
Making progress on our most complex challenges requires a greater diversity of perspectives from start to finish and investing in relational networks for change. We use collaborative engagement and participatory design to bring contrasting voices into conversation for several reasons – to understand problems from multiple vantage points, to identify how different parts of a system fit together, and ultimately, to co-create solutions
We convene around issues that matter.
We recognize that what ‘matters’ is different for everyone — what makes the cut for us are those that push forward conversations and action on issues that intersect with just, equitable, and sustainable futures. Some call these ‘wicked’ or ‘complex’ problems — whatever name we give them, we think they matter most.
We take process seriously.
Process is the 'how' of work — the approaches, practices and methods employed to solve these problems.
We think this matters as much as the what. Just and sustainable solutions require a thoughtful approach to the how, including engaging multiple stakeholders in ways that distribute power, centering often excluded voices, and accounting for the complexity of the issues we’re trying to solve. We design process to be inclusive and tap into collective intelligence.
Our Team
Krystal Renschler
Krystal’s professional experience spans multiple geographies and sectors, including peace-building and conflict transformation in post-war societies, co-designing reconciliation programming with Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada, the development of community engagement and public dialogue practices in multiple contexts, and leading the development of strategic granting initiatives that bring together private sector and community partners in the areas of poverty reduction, gender equity, and climate action.
As a practiced process designer, facilitator, and strategist, Krystal works with collaborative methods to deepen understanding from multiple perspectives, reframe problems, and generate shared solutions. At the center of her work is a passion for bringing diverse voices around issues that matter and asking, “what might we do together?”
Krystal holds a Masters of Social Science in Peace and Conflict Research from Uppsala University, where she served as a Rotary International Peace Fellow.
Dr. Victoria Gay
From an early age, Victoria was passionate about caring for people and nature. Now with a PhD in environmental science, 17 years’ experience working across sectors on a variety of social and environmental initiatives, and an innate enthusiasm for problem-solving, she is grateful to use her skillsets to help drive the change needed in the world.
From guiding product development for US-based clean-tech start-up Palmetto, and catalyzing new clean energy innovations at Engie UK, to transforming the mandate of BC Women’s Health Foundation, and guiding awareness and advocacy campaigns at Dense Breasts Canada, Victoria’s passion for positive social and environmental change has been central to her career.
Since founding VGC and co-founding Mutatio, Victoria has continued her work with social impact organizations to advance their visions for a better world. Central to this practice is a passion for doing better, and the knowledge that this makes for better business, more engaged stakeholders, and a better society.
Our Vision:
A transformed world
Informed by the essence of "Mutatio," our vision is to create a world where collaborative innovation leads to transformative change. We envision a future where the concept of mutatio becomes a reality—through the exchange of ideas, perspectives, and knowledge, we aspire to reshape and remold the landscape of possibilities that lead to a more just and equitable world.
Our Mission:
Enabling change
We are stewards of change, dedicated to supporting organizations on their journey towards positive impact. Through the integration of diverse perspectives, innovative methodologies, and collaborative engagement, our services support clients to align their ambitions with actionable strategies that create enduring impact.
What is it like to work together?
Unify and Align Your Team
Rally everyone around a shared vision and define roles and responsibilities clearly.
Create a Theory of Change
Clarify who you will impact, how you'll do it, and why it matters.
Enhance your Capacity
Acquire new tools and approaches to further your mission.
Strengthen Your Culture
Create inclusive teams that value diverse perspectives and contributions, and actively embody your values.
Refine and Amplify Your Voice
Elevate your contributions, and that of the communities you serve, within your realm change.
Measure Your Impact
Implement processes to measure and share your impact in meaningful ways.